Contacting us for quotes

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Audiometry ● Spirometry ● Noise assessments

New York ● Paris ● Dubai ● Hong Kong ● Rio ● Singapore ● Beijing
These are all places where we don’t have an office and have never worked.

Quotes or just getting in touch

You can either use the form or if you prefer you can email

Audiometric testing and spirometry quotes

The key information we need to supply a screening quote is:

  • Where you are in the country

  • The company name

  • How many people you want testing.

That’s it really, but if you can:

  • If you have shifts, it is really useful if you can let us know that as well - we don’t charge more, it just helps to know from the beginning that we may need to cover non-daytime hours.

  • If you want lung tests as well, let us know how many hearing-only, lung-only and combined hearing and lung tests you would like.

Noise assessment quote

For this one, the key information is where you are in the country, the company name and then how many people you have (roughly) working in the high noise area. This gives us a handle on how big the assessment will be and as noise assessments are usually job-focused, is a lot more helpful than square meters, etc.

Noise training quotes

This one is easy, just how many people you need training, where it is and if we need to cover shifts.


We keep costs down by not having an admin office which has a direct beneficial impact on the rates we charge for audiometry - if we had someone answering the phones then the costs of that salary would be built into the prices we would have to charge, so more cost for not a lot of benefit.

The down side is, that means when you phone us you are contacting someone who is out doing the jobs the same as any other staff. When doing hearing tests it’s not possible to answer the phone as it makes too much noise, meaning there are long parts of a day when we cannot speak so the phone is more often than not unanswered, and apologies for that, but we can respond to email as that is nice and quiet. The phone is 0330 133 1417.

Just a double-check…

For audiometry, we are business-to-business only. We don’t do private home visits, individual hearing tests for people, tests for children, or sell hearing aids, etc.

For noise assessments, we are specialist in workplace noise for employee safety. If you want environmental noise assessments, planning applications, nuisance noise from noisy neighbours, etc. you need to go back to the Great Google God and search for ‘environmental noise’.